Monday, March 9, 2009

Moving to the DFW

In a couple of months Grant and I won't be a long distance couple anymore. I am so excited about it I can't even stand it!! But...we are both moving to the DFW area. For those of you that are familiar with the area, you may be asking, "which area?" I have no answer. We have no idea. Neither of us have spent a lot of time there, unless the hours and hours we spent driving around count. Our requirements are different and we are figuring out how to mesh them.

I want:
-close to downtown--I really hate commuting.
-safe! This is harder than I thought.

Grant wants:
-newer home. He will be doing the repair work so I understand
-safe! One same want!
-2 car garage. He has a lot of garage-related hobbies :)

I hope we can find something and I can get back to spending my free time looking a wedding stuff. :)


What he ate, what I ate. said...

I'm no help when it comes to info on DFW, but congrats on the no-longer-a-long-distance-couple thing! As someone who has been there/done that... I know it's torture.

Ms Bear Cub said...

Have you thought about addison? or richardson? they're a little closer to the city than plano or frisco!
Good luck on your move!

Dana said...

Thanks Miss Rye Bread! We will look next weekend when we head up there!