Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Terrace Club

This past weekend Grant and I visited another exciting venue.  The Terrace Club is in Dripping Springs and they were very professional.  The cost is high, but do-able.  I think that the scenery was the prettiest that we've seen yet. The ceremony would look over the hills of the Texas Hill Country (one of my favorite places to look at).  The food is supposed to be great (my roomie has been to a wedding there).    The bar is BYOB (yay!) and the wedding coordinator comes with the package (she seems very organized).  Overall, this is just making our decision harder.  We're getting there slowly but surely.  

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grape Creek Vineyards

In the final in installment of Saturday tour, we have Grape Creek Vineyard which is also located in beautiful Fredericksburg, Texas.  The vineyard is beautiful and has a very Tuscany meets Texas Hill Country charm to it.  The price is right at this place but it does tend to feel like it is in the middle of nowhere (1 hour from SA and a little over an hour from Austin).  There is no rain plan for the ceremony but there is a good event room (big enough for 150 people) that is actually pretty (I'm a sucker for a good Plan B).  One down side, though, is you can only have wine (alcohol) to serve the guests since it is a vineyard :P.  With three feasible places, the plot is starting the thicken. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nimitz Museum

This one is out in Fredericksburg and cracks me up because it is a museum that honors an old WWII general.  I think that the garden is awesome and like Ye Kendall has an aold world charm with walls of limestone.  The ballroom isn't exactly what Grant and I are looking for but it is VERY beautiful.  the outside is by far the best part of the venue and the coordinator was so nice and seemed like she would work with us on the cost.   The entry to the garden is fabulous--my mom was totally envious of the gardens (if you had a professional--yours would look like that too!).  I love Fredricksburg and have many great memories in the town. 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ye Kendall Inn

Saturday, my mom and I visited the Ye Kendall Inn in Boerne.  It is also an old establishment.  The food has to be catered through them, but there is NO problem there.  We ate there for lunch and were so pleased.  It was different but not weird if that makes sense.  The courtyard is beautiful with three "walls" of limestone and awesome, huge oaks with lights on them.  The ceremony would be on the banks of the Cibolo Creek (perfect but no good back-up plan).  The downside is we would have to rent out the rooms surrounding the courtyard (6) for 2 nights!   

Thursday, October 2, 2008

getting it together...finally!

After googling for weeks for wedding venues that I liked and calling/emailing people for prices, I finally got the information together in one place!  I used  Grant's favorite problem Excel to organize.  Seeing it all in one place helps know what is what and how much it costs. Hopefully soon we will actually pick a place.  My headings are: Venue Name, location, Website, Base Price, Price Includes, Catering (onsite only or offsite), Ceremony Cost and Restrictions.  It's also color coded.  I love color coding!  I also made a huge timeline for Grant and I too follow (hey we have 1 1/2 years but that makes it EASIER for me to forget things:) especially with how busy everything has been).  Thankfully, it is also color coded!